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The Journal of Korean Society of Community-Based Occupational Therapy Vol.3 No.1 pp.11-20
Influence of Social Support and Social Network on Quality of Life among the Elderly in a Local Community
Kim, Hyeong-Min 대구대학교 일반대학원 작업치료학 전공
Sim, Kyoung-Bo 대구대학교 일반대학원 작업치료학 전공
Kim, Hwan 대구대학교 작업치료과
Kim, Souk-Boum 제주한라대학교 작업치료과
Key Words : Social network,Social support,Quality of life


Objective : The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of the social support and social network on the quality of life of the elderly residing in a local community. Method : The subjects of this study were 75 healthy old men and women of 13 sites of welfare centers for the disabled and public health centers and senior welfare centers in Busan and Gyeongju. A survey was conducted with a questionnaire that include general characteristics, cognitive ability, social support, social network and quality of life. The analysis was made on 63 replies except 12 subjects who had been excluded by the subject selection criteria. Result : As a result of analyzing correlation of variables affecting life quality, there was positive correlation in contact frequency(p<.05), intimacy(p<.001), and social support(p<.001). Finally, it was analyzed that the variable of intimacy (p<.001) affected life quality of general aged people living in regional community. Conclusion : It was found that intimacy of general aged people living in regional community was a major variable to affect life quality. It could be identified that intimacy which is qualitative feature of social, relational network for the aged who live passive life was important.
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