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The Journal of Korean Society of Community-Based Occupational Therapy Vol.3 No.1 pp.21-31
A Survey on the Present Situation and Satisfaction in Assistive Technology of Person with Physical Disabilities
Lee, Chun-Yeop 가야대학교 작업치료학과
Kim, Eun-Joo 양산부산대학교병원 의생명융합연구소
Noh, Dong-Hee 근로복지공단창원산재병원 작업치료실
Moon, Seo-Jin 해운대나눔과행복병원 작업치료실
Park, Sung-Ho 서호병원 작업치료실
Chae, Gang-Seok 동의의료원 작업치료실
Chang, Moon-young 인제대학교 의생명공학대학 작업치료학과
Key Words : Assistive technology,Satisfaction,Spinal cord injury,Stroke


Objective : This study was aimed to survey the present situation and satisfaction in assistive technology of the physically disabled person. Method : 110 patients, being diagnosed with spinal cord injury and stroke, were chosen and structured interview was carried out using by a questionnaire. Result : The followings are the results of this study. First, spinal cord injury(76.2%) and stroke(72.5%) patients used the most wheelchair and mobility devices in assistive technology device. Second, they were satisfied in effectiveness of assistive technology device. Third, spinal cord injury(39.4%) patients used the most repair service in assistive technology service. Fourth, stroke(28.2%) patients used the most application and training service. Fifth, they were satisfied in professionality while were dissatisfied in service delivery program. Conclusion : The results of this study would contribute to better assistive technology for the physically disabled person.
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