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The Journal of Korean Society of Community-Based Occupational Therapy Vol.3 No.2 pp.85-95
Study on the Degree of Perceptions and Needs regarding the Driving Rehabilitation of the Students of Occupational Therapy in Busan and Gyeongnam
Song, Min-Ok 경남정보대학교 작업치료과
Jang, Chel 경남정보대학교 작업치료과
Key Words : Driving rehabilitation,Occupational therapist,Occupational therapy


Objective : The purpose of this study was to know the degree of the perceptions and the needs regarding the driving rehabilitation of students of occupational therapy. Method : Subjects are 317 students, department of occupational therapy of 4 colleges in Gyeongnam and Busan. Questionnaire consist of 15 questions of perceptions of the driving rehabilitation, 9 questions of needs of the driving rehabilitation, and 4 questions of subjects. The period of surveys was from 12, May to 12, Jun, 2013. Result : 73(23.1%) students answered that they knew about the driving rehabilitation and 47(14.8%) students answered that they experienced the driving rehabilitation. The answers about the channels of knowing and experience regarding driving rehabilitation hadthrough the college. The perceptions regarding the specialist and programs of driving rehabilitation was low compared with the knowing of the driving rehabilitation. The perception of needs regarding the driving rehabilitation for people with disabilities was high and they answered that they need the educations regarding driving rehabilitation. The 3rd grade students had high degree of perceptions and needs compared with 1st and 2ed grade students. And A college students had high degree of perceptions and needs compared with C and D college students. Conclusion : It is important that subject regarding of the driving rehabilitation include in curriculum of occupational therapy for strengthen the role of the occupational therapist in the driving rehabilitation.
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