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The Journal of Korean Society of Community-Based Occupational Therapy Vol.8 No.2 pp.15-28
Study on the Characteristics and Quality Level of Single Subject Researches in the Stroke Patients : The Field of health care ∼
Sim, Kyoung-Bo 김천대학교 작업치료학과
Key Words : Stroke,Single target study,Single case study,Application behavior analysis,Hemiplegia


Objective : This study sought to characterize and determine the qualitative level of a single target study for stroke patients. Methods : The National Science and Technology Information Center (NDSL), DBpia (DBpia), RISS (Radical Research Information Service), Korea Research Information (KISS), and the National Assembly Library's original case study from 2002 to 2017. A total of 24 single target research papers were selected through the screening process to analyze the quality level of research methods and research design. Results : ABA design was th most common study design method. One person was the most with 12(50%). and three were the second with 8(33.3%). Imagination was the most used as an independent lawyer. Dependent variables had the highest level of situability and one-sidedness. The study was also conducted with a variety of target behaviors, including 'memory', 'visual attention', 'dysphagia', 'visual-motor coordination', 'balance', 'activity of daily life' and 'edema' behaviors. It also showed a positive effect on all dependent variables. The Qualitative level was found to be above the intermediate level except for one study. Conclusion : It is academic significance that this study analyzes the items to be prepared for in the performance of a single target study and further studies may require the establishment of a weak but good-quality single target study for researchers conducting research in local communities and clinical sites.
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