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The Journal of Korean Society of Community-Based Occupational Therapy Vol.9 No.2 pp.43-58
Development of Korean Occupational Balance Assessment(K-OBA) Tool
Hong, So-Young 고신대학교 작업치료학과
Hong, Deok-Gi 원광대학교 작업치료학과, 건강증진연구소
Key Words : Assessment,Occupational balance,Rash analysis,Validity


Objective : The purpose of this study was to develop an assessment tool to measure Korean occupational balance. Methods : From March 2017 to July 2019, preliminary questionnaire was prepared through analysis of previous research and expert focus meeting, and preliminary questions were selected through the Delphi survey. In order to verify the validity of the items, Rash analysis was conducted to analyze the persons and items fitness, the distribution of item difficulty, separation reliability, and the appropriateness of the rating scale. Results : Among 141 subjects, 9 (6.38%) in time use and 11 (7.80%) in the occupation area were inappropriate subjects. As a result of analyzing the appropriateness of the items except for the inappropriate subjects, the 3 items were judged as ineligible items, but 1 item of the occupation characteristics was finally deleted based on the theoretical and clinical grounds. In the analysis of the scale, 4 points were more appropriate than the 5 point scale, and the separation reliability was .86~.94. Finally, 3 categories (time use, occupation area, occupation characteristics) and 18 items were selected. Conclusion : The occupational balance assessment tool was selected three categories and 18 questions finally, three categories and 18 questions, and was developed on a four-point Likert scale. Further research needs to prove the concurrent validity of the K-OBA and to analyze the factors that influence the occupational balance.
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